Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Email received Jan 25, 2010

Sorry if this is brief again, I spent all my time looking at the pictures Celestia sent. (Editor's note: Celestia is Katie's sister-in-law.) Plus I'm gonna hand write you a letter anyway, I might as well leave everything for that. I was gonna send a bunch of pictures this week as I didn't have time last week but in the course of 4 days I misplaced the connector you just sent me - I swear it was in my bag and now it's gone! Oh, well, there's always next week.For the big news of the moment I'm staying in Fallon with Sis Kartchner (yay!!!) AND I am training the new sister. We thought we would be off the hook since we got a temple square sister (their transfers are 3 weeks off from ours, so she's been here for a bit, we figured she was the replacement for when Sister Moreno goes home) but apparently we're also getting a new missionary so there will be an uneven number of sisters and we get to be the trio. That's what we get for telling Pres. in our last interviews "I think we're really starting to get it President, it's all coming together."

Amy - I keep thinking of writing that note, but you know how I am...I'd rather scrub out a filthy refrigerator. If you can send me my old journals (Pooh and that pretty, peachy one) they contain some notes that I would like to use, might help me bite the bullet. Thanks!! P.S. Red again, huh? Looks good...different, but good. (Editor's note: Amy died her hair red.)

-Mother Cloward (I have two daughters now)

P.S. I almost didn't recognize Nadia in the pictures, it wasn't 'till I saw Sunny that I realized who she was! Tell them Hi!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Email received Jan 20, 2009

So this past week has been a might bit more happening than the week before, but I don't know if I'll be able to fit everything in. Maybe if I had written on Mon, but you see, that's part of the story. And I am quickly running out of time, I don't know if I should even try to begin today (I've already written the personal notes you see, maybe I'll just write this one in a letter for you (Sarah ;O) .) I got my box Tuesday, Thank you so much for all the goodies!

What I intended to write on Mon (it being a Holiday the intention moved to Tue & the rest of that will be relayed later) was 1.the idea that we could coordinate our scripture study. One of the wards I'm in is encouraging everyone to read the BofM this year, the average rate being 1.6 pages a day, I believe; but I decided to take the opportunity to go a bit faster and am reading a chapter a day. I had hoped to apprise you of this idea last week, but forgot to write it down. But it shouldn't be too hard to catch up as yet - being the 20th of Jan I am on the 20th chapter of 1 Nephi - you could catch up in no time, personally or as a family, I thought it might be nice. When we get near the end I'll fill you in on what to study next (I've got it all planned out and written on my moo calendar.) 2.Sis K & I sang in one ward on Sunday, and just so happened to be sitting behind a visitor from the 3rd ward who just so happened to be in charge of their music and just so happened to ask if we could sing in her ward the next week; we just so happened to be singing in our other ward but as it just so happened their ward meets later we just so happened to say "Sure, why not?" 3. Sis K & I had an amazing spiritual epiphany on Thurs morning, we're still coasting on the wave and I think that may have something to do with why there seems to be so much more to do. 4.Another amazing fun story that just may have to be combined with The Ballad of Tuesday in a letter, hopefully I can get it written this week, either way you probably won't get it 'till next week, but never fear! you will receive said correspondence come Holiday or getting-kicked-of-the-computer!!!

Sarah - No I didn't get pictures, I thought about it, but I didn't, if I ever go back though I surely will. I don't recall saying I would grow my hair out my whole mission, I was debating cutting before, but it wasn't long enough to donate, so I figured I'd let it grow 'till it was long enough and luckily it was by Christmas 'cuz I couldn't take it anymore and just wanted to hack it off! (I was getting sick and tired of having to do it every morning, it's easier to grow when you can throw it up in a bun everyday and just forget about it.) Go ahead and friend all those peeps - that's so funny about the Swanns, how's Jen Jordan doing? I only wrote those letters 'cuz A.I was sending a package or 2.I couldn't put it in an email. You may have noticed the last bit has been slow of news, so I didn't really have anything to write in a letter, hence all the sticky notes in the last package. By the way, you all mentioned the videoing of the opening of the box(ing), now I am in great suspense to finally witness it. No more suspense then you all should be in for all my pics and videos, I don't think I'll have time to send them today, but I should be back in just a few days (next Mon) so I'll try to do it then. They're gonna be great!

Tasha - Take it from a missionary in the field: no news is ever outdated, a letter is a letter. Celestial Congratulations and I miss your heiffer shapoopie!!!

Amy - It was rather strange to receive a package from Vann & Jody with your name stamped on it, took a few moments for my brain to catch up with my eyes :O)

-Sister Cloward

Monday, January 18, 2010

A Package with a Surprise

Katie sent us a package and said that there was a surprise in it and that we should have the camera ready because she wanted to see our reactions. I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to use my new video camera. The following is the annotated version I sent to Katie of our family opening the package together. (Editor's note: The box was addressed to "Al & Sundry" which was presumably supposed to be ALL & Sundry. Funny side note, we have a friend who's name is Sundra, so with the all being shortened to Al we thought, "Is this for Al & Sunny {our friend}, but then who's Al?" It took a second to get it.)

The point of the ponytail is that she sends them to Locks of Love (, but her last two ponytails are still in an envelope on her dresser waiting to be sent.

This is the picture that was included.
(Along with her new haircut she's showing
off her new feety pajamas.)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Email received Jan 11, 2010

Forgive me if the news is slow, not much has happened this week. It's finally getting a little warmer, all the snow is melting and there are big puddles and mud everywhere. We're trying to put together some kind of missionary activity fireside in both wards, but it probably won't happen until next transfer, I hope I'm still here! We are having a special mission conference next week, Elder Sybrowsky (from the Seventy) is coming to tour the mission; I've been roped into singing, so it should be great fun; Sis K and I are also singing in both wards in the next two weeks. One of the families we're working with has two pugs and they had puppies recently - the cute-puppyness-syndrome almost makes up for the fact that pugs are really not attractive dogs no matter what way you look at them. We ate at a really good Chinese restaurant the other night, it was fabulous. I've noticed that whenever I write about good food in my journal, I always use the word 'fabulous', is that strange? Okay, now I'm just rambling...any requests for subject matter?

Sarah - We met someone the other day who has been collecting nativities for over forty years. She has an entire room devoted to them with six curio cabinets plus wall hangings and more scattered throughout her home. It was pretty amazing.

Amy - I'm glad you got to go to the funeral; I tried to write her a Christmas card, I hope she got it before she died.

Can someone search for and send me the picture of David on the cherry picker? Did you get my package? Are you still alive??? Just kidding, I'm getting silly in my old age - think about it, in two weeks I will have only 12 months left! CRAZY!!! Gotta go - LOVE

-Sis Cloward

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Email received Jan 4, 2010

Warning: I'm limited on time and am trying to do 3 different things again, so I apologize ahead of time if this is short or disjointed in any way.

I will hopefully be sending a box this week with Mom & Sarah's B-day presents, and some other things for safekeeping. Most everything should have a note delineating where it should go. I want to see your reactions when you open the one that says "surprise" so have the video camera ready!

I want to share my pictures and videos with you, they'll make the stories that much more alive. Sis Kartchner may have a cord that will fit my camera, but we don't have much time to play this week, I'll have to catch you next Mon.(I'm trying to find a nice list of temple trivia, but they don't have anything on or, how am I supposed to stay obedient and teach a good lesson? Maybe if I had more time, but the lesson's tonight and we have a rather full schedule already, oh well, we'll make something work.)

Yeah, this is definitely disjointed. Here's some scriptures to ponder for some spiritual upliftment: 1 Tim 1:5(6-7) see also Gal 5:14 I was studying Love for quite awhile when I realized I could spend my whole life on the topic and never reach the end, so I decided to move on, but it just keeps coming up, I can't get away from it, it's everywhere! Here's another cool one: Eph 4:11-15 Pay attention to why the Lord gives us prophets, apostles...& teachers and especially when He says we won't need them anymore.

Gotta go!
-Sister Cloward