Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Email received May 24, 2010

ohmyflipalipjuicymoma! That is only an approximation of what went through my head as I looked at the pictures you sent, Mother. Sikhs wearing tartans and playing bagpipes - Hallelujah! There's hope for my wedding yet! (Have fun explaining that Mr. Editor's Notes) (Editor's note: That's Miss Editor's Note to you, and, oy vey. The pictures sent were pictures from the Jakarta Highland Gathering that Mom, Amy, and Dad attended in Indonesia. I've inlcuded a picture just for ya'll. As far as Katie's dream wedding, the basic jist of it is that all the women will be wearing sari's and all the men will be wearing kilts. HA! That wasn't so hard.)

Well, we sisters all went to Red Rock this morning (a lovely desert area with colorful rocks.) We didn't go on all the hikes we had intended because we got lost on a one-way road, well the problem really came when the one-way road turned into a two-way road. And due to these circumstance there's not much time left in our p-day and we still haven't gone shopping, so I don't know how long or detailed I'll have time to get. We're also going to see if we can arrange to go back with our district of elders next Mon, so I don't know when I'll have time to write you all the fun details! Maybe if I quit wasting time just blabbing (and drooling over pics.) Okay, I'm running out of time, but truly, thank you for the pictures and updates with all you're doing. I love you!!!!!!!!!

-Sis Cloward

P.S. May I make a couple requests for that box if it hasn't been sent yet? Can you look in my closet for a black skirt (I don't remember how many I have) I believe the brand is Studio 41? I'm wanting some shorter skirts for summer and there's no reason to buy new ones if it's long enough (did you understand that oxymoron?) And maybe my capris, should be in one of the drawers on the left, I believe, unless of course Amy already stole all these clothes, then I'll survive.

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